2013-2014 University Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MTH 315 - College Geometry, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 142 
    A continuation of the subject matter and methods of high school geometry, including theorems not taught in high school and an introduction to the modern geometry of the triangle and circle. Special attention is given to methods of proof and solving problems, the viewpoint being that of the prospective teacher or graduate student in mathematics. Finite and non-Euclidean geometries will be studied.

  • MTH 335 - Design and Analysis of Experiments, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): One of the following, MTH 135 , MTH 138 , ECN 279  or PSY 278 
    The course is an introductory course in the design and analysis of experiments.  It is intended for those who have completed a one semester course in statistics.  Students will learn to properly plan a ststistical study to meet specified objectives in order to ensure that the right type of data of sufficient sample size is available to answer the questions of interest in an economical manner.

  • MTH 359 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged

    See FSC Program.

  • MTH 405 - Theory of Probability, 4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 243  or permission of instructor. A course in elementary statistics is also highly recommended but not required.
    Theory of probability and mathematical statistics, with emphasis on probability distributions.

  • MTH 406 - Mathematical Statistics, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 405 
    A continuation of MTH 405  with emphasis on the theory and applications of random samples, hypothesis testing, parameter estimation and regression.

  • MTH 411 - Abstract Algebra, 4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 211  and MTH 243 
    An axiomatic approach to algebraic structures, with the focus on groups, homomorphisms and factor groups. Required for those seeking licensure to teach high school mathematics.

  • MTH 459 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged

    See FSC Program.

  • MTH 463 - Seminar, 1-3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Advanced standing and consent of the instructor
    Advanced study for qualified students.


Music as Conservatory Study

  • MUC 001 - Performance Attendance, 0 credit hours

    Attendance of a minimum number of performances each semester. See individual program requirements.

  • MUC 002 - Departmental Recital, 0 credit hours

    Attendance of scheduled departmental recitals. See individual program requirements.

  • MUC 070 - Internship, Credit hours to be arranged

    Program of study for the Pedagogy Emphasis. See Internship Program

  • MUC 101F - Primary Instrument: Private Lessons, 2-4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Entry-level audition; for subsequent levels - previous level. Secondary, minor and elective study use MUC 131F , MUC 132F , MUC 231F , MUC 232F 
    Corequisite(s): must be taken concurrently with MUC 002 .
    Performance studies, available in all orchestral instruments, keyboard instruments, guitar, or voice. Credit hours and repertoire requirements assigned according to student’s degree program. Core skills addressed include critical thinking and quantitative literacy.

    Semesters Offered: All levels offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 102F - Primary Instrument: Private Lessons, 2-4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Entry-level audition; for subsequent levels - previous level. Secondary, minor and elective study use MUC 131F , MUC 132F , MUC 231F , MUC 232F 
    Corequisite(s): must be taken concurrently with MUC 002 .
    Performance studies, available in all orchestral instruments, keyboard instruments, guitar, or voice. Credit hours and repertoire requirements assigned according to student’s degree program. Core skills addressed include critical thinking and quantitative literacy.

    Semesters Offered: All levels offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 110 - Music Technology and Notation, 1 credit hour

    Introduction to standard guidelines for the written notation of music and computerized notation and sequencing software.

  • MUC 111 - Tonal Harmony 1, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 111=successful completion of entering placement examinations
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 112 
    A comprehensive study of tonal harmony, approached through analysis, composition, and keyboard exercises.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 111 offered fall semester, and should be taken concurrently with MUC 112.

  • MUC 112 - Solfège/Eurhythmics 1, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): successful completion of entering placement examinations
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 111 
    A comprehensive study of ear training, sight-singing, and the development of musical memory. Skills developed include rhythmic and melodic reading ability, and musical dictation.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 112 offered fall semester; and should be taken concurrently with MUC 111.

  • MUC 113 - Tonal Harmony 2, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 113=MUC 111 
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 114 .
    A comprehensive study of tonal harmony, approached through analysis, composition, and keyboard exercises.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 113 offered spring semester, and should be taken concurrently with MUC 114.

  • MUC 114 - Solfège/Eurhythmics 2, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 111  and MUC 112 
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 113 .
    A comprehensive study of ear training, sight-singing, and the development of musical memory. Skills developed include rhythmic and melodic reading ability, and musical dictation.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 114 offered spring semester, and should be taken concurrently with MUC 113.

  • MUC 116 - Introduction to Composition 1, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor
    An introduction to musical composition, employing the smaller forms in a variety of styles.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 116 offered fall semester

  • MUC 117 - Introduction to Composition 2, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor; for MUC-117=MUC 116 
    An introduction to musical composition, employing the smaller forms in a variety of styles.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 117 offered spring semester.

  • MUC 121 - Western Music History Survey 1, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 121=MUC 113  and MUC 114 
    A two-semester of the major philosophical and aesthetic trends in Western music history, the noted composers in each style period, and masterworks of the literature. For Music Theatre majors, some BA music majors, and all music minors.

  • MUC 122 - Western Music History Survey 2, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 122=MUC 121 
    A two-semester of the major philosophical and aesthetic trends in Western music history, the noted composers in each style period, and masterworks of the literature. For Music Theatre majors, some BA music majors, and all music minors.

  • MUC 131F - Secondary Instrument Levels 1, 1 credit hour

    Private lessons on secondary instrument for music majors; available for minors and elective study by audition only and as staffing permits. Additional fee required for non-music majors.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 132F - Secondary Instrument Levels 2, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 132F = MUC 131F 
    Private lessons on secondary instrument for music majors; available for minors and elective study by audition only and as staffing permits. Additional fee required for non-music majors.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 133 - Keyboard Musicianship 1, 1 credit hour

    Class instruction in sight-reading and other keyboard skills for the non-piano music major. Open to music majors only.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 133 offered fall semester.

  • MUC 134 - Keyboard Musicianship 2, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 134 = MUC 133 
    Class instruction in sight-reading and other keyboard skills for the non-piano music major. Open to music majors only.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 134 offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 135 - Voice Class, 1 credit hour

    Introduction to the basic elements of singing, including physiological aspects of the singing process, diction principles based on the International Phonetic Alphabet, and expressive techniques. Emphasis on development of individual singing skills.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 136F - Guitar Class, 1 credit hour

    Instruction in playing primary chords in several keys, strumming patterns to accompany singing, and a repertoire of songs from the folk, popular, and patriotic literature. Use of bass guitar and amplification included. Use of personally owned instruments advised.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 137F - Intermediate Guitar Class, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 136F  or consent of instructor
    Class instruction to further develop technique and broaden styles introduced in MTH 136 . Barre chords, note reading, accompaniment of singing, playing by ear, transposition, and finger picking are among topics for study.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester; may not be offered every year.

  • MUC 140 - Singers’ Phonetics, 1 credit hour

    The study of the International Phonetic Alphabet applied to singing in English, Italian, French and German.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 141 - Singers’ Diction and Literature 1, 2 credit hours

    The study of the International Phonetic Alphabet applied to singing in English and the study of recital literature focusing on British and American art song.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 142 - Singers’ Diction and Literature 2, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 141 
    The study of the International Phonetic Alphabet applied to singing in Italian and the study of recital literature focusing on Italian art song and operatic recitative.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 145 - Music Theatre Workshop 1: Fundamentals of Stage Performance, 1 credit hour

    Students undertake an intensive introduction to techniques for acting for the stage, with a specific objective of creating a language and style for Music Theatre performance. Students will explore the fundamental principles of action—objective and obstacle—as well as the idea of given circumstances, and learn to make non-contemporary, hyper-realistic performance choices.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 146 - Music Theatre Workshop 2: Intro to Music Theatre Techniques, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 145  or consent of instructor
    Students will apply fundamental skills acquired in the first semester to the performance of Music Theatre repertoire. Students explore song interpretation, self-presentation and specific performance choices, and begin to create an audition songbook.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 147 - Opera Workshop 1: Encountering Text, 1 credit hour

    Students will learn fundamental aspects of the craft of acting for the stage, and apply them to practical acting assignments. Special emphasis will be placed on developing a physical understanding of how to use performance space. The semester will culminate in a fully staged program of scenes, which will allow the students to showcase their talents and put their workshop skills into practical performance application.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 148 - Opera Workshop 2, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 147  or consent of instructor
    Building on the principles explored in the first semester, students will deepen their understanding of the fundamentals of acting for the stage, and will engage in performance projects of a more complex nature. Self-revelatory performance work, scripted scene-work, contact improvisation, and detailed character research and analysis will serve to build a foundation for future performance endeavors within the degree program. The semester will culminate in a fully staged program of scenes, which will allow the students to showcase their talents and put their workshop skills into practical performance application.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 151 - Introduction to Music Therapy, 2 credit hours

    Provides an overview of the profession including terminology, history, and practical application of music therapy for various client populations. Assessment of personal qualities necessary to become a music therapist is an ongoing process of the class. Observations of music therapists and those in related fields are required in addition to class work.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 152 - Vocal Skills for Music Therapists, 2 credit hours

    An introduction to the theory and practice of using the voice effectively in music therapy sessions. Topics include anatomy of breathing and the larynx, preventing vocal fatigue, and developing a list of repertoire in appropriate keys for use with various client groups.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 171 - Introduction to Music Education, 2 credit hours

    A survey of American education and music education history, with an emphasis on music teaching and philosophy, school structure and governance, diversity and multicultural education, current approaches, and professional ethics. Supervised clinical and field experiences required.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 172 - Group Vocal Techniques, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 171 
    Class instruction in group vocal technique with emphasis on the development of diagnostic and pedagogical skills as appropriate in the choral ensemble. Special focus will be given to the needs of the adolescent singer. Five hours of supervised clinical and field experience required.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 181 - Sight-reading 1, 1 credit hour

    Required of piano performance majors in the first year; piano secondaries may enroll with consent of the instructor. Development of fundamental prima-vista and quick-preparation reading skills for pianists.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 181 offered fall semester.

  • MUC 182 - Sight-reading 2, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 182 = MUC 181 
    Required of piano performance majors in the first year; piano secondaries may enroll with consent of the instructor. Development of fundamental prima-vista and quick-preparation reading skills for pianists.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 182 offered spring semester.

  • MUC 201F - Primary Instrument: Private Lessons, 2-4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Entry-level audition; for subsequent levels - previous level. Secondary, minor and elective study use MUC 131F , MUC 132F , MUC 231F , MUC 232F 
    Corequisite(s): must be taken concurrently with MUC 002 .
    Performance studies, available in all orchestral instruments, keyboard instruments, guitar, or voice. Credit hours and repertoire requirements assigned according to student’s degree program. Core skills addressed include critical thinking and quantitative literacy.

    Semesters Offered: All levels offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 202F - Primary Instrument: Private Lessons, 2-4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Entry-level audition; for subsequent levels - previous level. Secondary, minor and elective study use MUC 131F , MUC 132F , MUC 231F , MUC 232F 
    Corequisite(s): must be taken concurrently with MUC 002 .
    Performance studies, available in all orchestral instruments, keyboard instruments, guitar, or voice. Credit hours and repertoire requirements assigned according to student’s degree program. Core skills addressed include critical thinking and quantitative literacy.

    Semesters Offered: All levels offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 205F - Major Ensembles, 1 credit hour


    Participation in rehearsals and performances with a large ensemble. Core skills addressed include critical thinking, quantitative literacy, and teamwork. Audition required. May be repeated for credit.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 206F - Elective Ensembles, 1 credit hour


    Participation in rehearsals and performances with an elective ensemble. May not be used to fulfill major ensemble requirement. Core skills addressed include critical thinking, quantitative literacy, and teamwork. Audition required. May be repeated for credit.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 207 - Chamber Music, 1 credit hour

    Rehearsal and performance of chamber music under faculty guidance. May be repeated for credit.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 211 - Tonal Harmony 3, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 113 
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 212 .
    A continuation of the study of tonal harmony focusing on intense chromaticism and modulation through analysis, composition, and keyboard exercises.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester

  • MUC 212 - Solfège 3, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 113 , MUC 114 
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 211 .
    A continuation of the study of the hearing and singing of tonal music, focusing on intense chromaticism, modulation, and advanced rhythmic techniques.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester

  • MUC 213 - Tonal Counterpoint, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211 ; co-requisite: MUC 223I 
    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with MUC 223I 
    A systematic study of important contrapuntal techniques, with emphasis on the contrapuntal style of the eighteenth century.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 214 - Modal Counterpoint, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 113 
    A systematic study concentrating on music of Palestrina and his contemporaries.

    Semesters Offered: Offered in alternate years.

  • MUC 215 - Composition Seminar, 0 credit hours

    Notes: Composition majors only or permission of instructor.

    Corequisite(s): should be taken concurrently with Composition Lessons.
    Development of compositional skills through a weekly master class. Students focus on developing compositional craftsmanship, working with a variety of forms and contemporary techniques, and composing in a variety of styles for various performance media.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 216 - Composition Lessons 1, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Composition majors only or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): Co-requisite: MUC 215 
    Development of compositional skills through individualized study. Students focus on developing compositional craftsmanship, working with a variety of forms and contemporary techniques, and composing in a variety of styles for various performance media.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 216 offered fall semester.

  • MUC 217 - Composition Lessons 2, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Composition majors only or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): Co-requisite: MUC 215 
    Development of compositional skills through individualized study. Students focus on developing compositional craftsmanship, working with a variety of forms and contemporary techniques, and composing in a variety of styles for various performance media.

    Semesters Offered: MUC 217 offered spring semester.

  • MUC 218F - Jazz Improvisation, 2 credit hours

    The development of basic improvisational skills. Some performance background necessary.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 219F - Jazz Arranging/composition, 2 credit hours

    Fundamental techniques in arranging and composition for the jazz idiom. Analysis of stylistic approaches, compositional devices, and instrumentation. Weekly compositional and/or arranging projects required.

    Semesters Offered: Offered in alternate years.

  • MUC 220 - Materials & Techniques of the Musical Theatre Repertoire, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211  and MUC 212 
    Corequisite(s): MUC 225F 
    An exploration of the structure, techniques, and performance idioms of music theatre repertoire, with an emphasis on the reading and improvisation skills required by this literature.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 221I - Music History & Literature 1: World and Medieval Music History, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Music majors only, or the ability to read music and consent of instructor.
    An examination of the historical and stylistic elements of selected non-Western musical traditions and the study of the stylistic developments and representative masterworks of the Medieval era in the Western world. Music is studied in its cultural and historical contexts. Includes significant listening, score study, and written work.

  • MUC 223I - Music History & Literature 2 Renaissance and Baroque Music History, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 221I  or the ability to read music and consent of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): This course should ordinarily be taken concurrently with MUC 213 .
    A study of stylistic developments and representative masterworks of the Renaissance and Baroque eras of Western music. Music is studied in its cultural and historical contexts. Includes significant listening, score study, and written work.

  • MUC 224FD - History of Jazz, 2 credit hours

    A survey of jazz from its origins through Dixieland and Ragtime to the present.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 225F - Music Theatre History, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211  & MUC 212 
    Corequisite(s): MUC 220 
    A survey of the playwrights, composers, lyricists, directors, choreographers, performers and productions of the American musical theater from its European beginnings to the present, placing the music theatre form within a framework of social and historical relevance. Specific works are studied so that students achieve proficiency in identifying how musicals are crafted, and how stylistic and technical elements within a musical collaborate to express meaning. Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 231F - Secondary Instrument Levels 3, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 231F=MUC 132F 
    Private lessons on secondary instrument for music majors; available for minors and elective study by audition only and as staffing permits. Additional fee required for non-music majors.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 232F - Secondary Instrument Levels 4, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 232F=MUC 231F 
    Private lessons on secondary instrument for music majors; available for minors and elective study by audition only and as staffing permits. Additional fee required for non-music majors.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 233 - Keyboard Musicianship 3, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 233 = MUC 134 
    Class instruction in functional piano skills including melody harmonization, figured-bass realization, improvisation, score reading, sight-reading, and transposition. Emphasis on spontaneous music making and ensemble playing.

    Semesters Offered: offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 234 - Keyboard Musicianship 4, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for MUC 234 = MUC 233 
    Class instruction in functional piano skills including melody harmonization, figured-bass realization, improvisation, score reading, sight-reading, and transposition. Emphasis on spontaneous music making and ensemble playing.

    Semesters Offered: offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 241 - Singers’ Diction and Literature 3, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 142 
    The study of the International Phonetic Alphabet applied to singing in German and the study of recital literature focusing on German Lied.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 242 - Singer’s Diction and Literature 4, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 241 
    The study of the International Phonetic Alphabet applied to singing in French and the study of recital literature focusing on French Mélodie.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 245 - Music Theatre Workshop 3: Acting for Music Theatre, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 146  or consent of instructor
    Students work with scripts and learn how to use language intentionally to create the world of a play. Students write weekly analytical assignments and work closely and actively with text. Course work culminates in the performance of a classical scene work.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 246 - Music Theatre Workshop 4: Audition Techniques, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 245  or consent of instructor
    Students master the art of the music theatre audition under professional conditions. Students audition for shows currently touring or running on Broadway, learning how to prepare, choose material, dress, and comport themselves in a professional audition environment.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 247 - Opera Workshop 3: Singing, Speaking And Moving, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 148  or consent of instructor
    Students will learn the fundamental so of score preparation, language idioms and accents, music learning and memorization techniques, and rehearsal expectations and etiquette. Students will discover the impact and effectiveness that various styles of clothing and footwear have on body posture, alignment, and character deportment. Special attention will be given to the process of learning and performing arias through numerous in-class workshops.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 248 - Opera Workshop 4: Communicating In Italian, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 247  or consent of instructor
    Students will continue the development of operatic stagecraft. This semester will focus on more detailed scene work, score analysis and character building. Special attention will be given to the process of learning and performing recitative and ensembles through numerous in-class workshops and scene work. This semester will culminate in a fully staged program of opera scenes appropriate to the level of the students, which will allow the students to showcase their talents and put their workshop skills into practical performance application.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 251 - Recreational Music: Programming and Leadership, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 151  or consent of instructor
    Development of a repertoire of activities to provide a foundation for initial field work experiences. Adaptation of activities and instruments, basic assessment of client interests and needs, and evaluation of observations are required.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 253 - Percussion Skills for Music Therapists, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 151  or consent of instructor
    An introduction to percussion instruments, rhythmic counterpoint, and a variety of percussion repertoire that music therapists may use in professional settings. Students will gain basic technical competence on several percussion instruments and understand their function in group settings.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester; may not be offered every year.

  • MUC 257 - Music Therapy Practicum 1, 1 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 151  and MUC 251 
    Student will complete at least 10 hours of direct client contact in a one-to-one setting at one of the approved practicum sites. Class content will include developing and administration of a client assessment, treatment plan, treatment evaluation and summary in addition to how-to write progress notes. Students will also demonstrate and critic client interventions in the class meetings. Adherence to AMTA Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics and HIPAA regulations will be stressed in the conducting this faculty supervised experience.

    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 259 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged

    See FSC Program

  • MUC 263 - Seminar, Variable credit

    Specialized treatment of particular subjects.

    Semesters Offered: May not be offered every year.

  • MUC 271 - Music in a Diverse Society, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 171 , PSY 100  and PSY 205 
    Corequisite(s): EDU 103D 
    Readings and experience in intercultural competence, culturally relevant pedagogy, and multicultural music. Students will understand ethnic, religious, and class diversity, particularly as it manifests itself in U.S. schools, and experience various instructional and assessment strategies that meet the needs of diverse learners. Class instruction in guitar, recorder (soprano, alto and tenor), and pitched and non-pitched small percussion instruments with emphasis on the development of playing skills, the understanding of pedagogical techniques and materials, and the ability to play and teach these instruments in a group setting. These instruments, ubiquitous in world music and in the musics found in the Americas, will then be the media, along with the literature, songs, and movement, through which students experience, understand, and transmit culture.

    Supervised, diverse clinical and field experience required.
    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 272 - General Music Methods, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 271 ; PSY 205 
    Corequisite(s): EDU 201 
    The study of methods and materials for teaching music to children, pre-K through high school. Includes child development, music behaviors (performing, creating, listening, analyzing), music teaching philosophies and approaches, planning and assessment, and the use of technology, and sequencing of skills in general music settings across various populations.

    Supervised clinical and field experiences, 15 hours of field experiences, and lab class required.
    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 273 - Brass Class, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 171 , PSY 100 
    Class instruction in trumpet, horn, trombone, baritone horn, and tuba, with emphasis on the development of individual performance skills and diagnostic pedagogical techniques and materials.

    Supervised clinical and field experiences and lab class required.
    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 274 - Woodwind Class, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 171 , PSY 100 
    Class instruction in flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, and bassoon, with emphasis on the development of individual performance skills and diagnostic pedagogical techniques and materials. Supervised clinical and field experiences and lab class required.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 275 - String Class, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 171 , PSY 100 
    Class instruction in violin, viola, cello and bass, with emphasis on the development of individual performance skills and diagnostic pedagogical techniques and materials.

    Supervised clinical and field experiences and lab class required.
    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 276 - Percussion Class, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 171 , PSY 100 
    Class instruction in percussion instruments, with emphasis on the development of individual performance skills and diagnostic pedagogical techniques and materials.

    Supervised clinical and field experiences and lab class required.
    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 283 - Collaborative Piano, 1 credit hour

    Required of sophomore, junior and senior B.M. Piano Performance majors; others by consent of instructor only. The study of key elements of effective collaborative performing, current career and artistic issues, practice and rehearsal techniques, and repertoire, with emphasis on duo works for piano and instrument/voice. Ongoing work with a minimum of one vocalist and one instrumentalist plus one recital performance required. May be repeated for credit.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 291 - Conducting, 2 credit hours

    Fundamental techniques of choral and instrumental conducting, including basic beat patterns, preparatory motions, cues, and releases.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 292 - Advanced Conducting, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 291 
    Semesters Offered: Offered spring semester.

  • MUC 301F - Primary Instrument: Private Lessons, 2-4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Entry-level audition; for subsequent levels - previous level. Secondary, minor and elective study use MUC 131F , MUC 132F , MUC 231F , MUC 232F 
    Corequisite(s): must be taken concurrently with MUC 002 .
    Performance studies, available in all orchestral instruments, keyboard instruments, guitar, or voice. Credit hours and repertoire requirements assigned according to student’s degree program. Core skills addressed include critical thinking and quantitative literacy.

    Semesters Offered: All levels offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 302F - Primary Instrument: Private Lessons, 2-4 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): Entry-level audition; for subsequent levels - previous level. Secondary, minor and elective study use MUC 131F , MUC 132F , MUC 231F , MUC 232F 
    Corequisite(s): must be taken concurrently with MUC 002 
    Performance studies, available in all orchestral instruments, keyboard instruments, guitar, or voice. Credit hours and repertoire requirements assigned according to student’s degree program. Core skills addressed include critical thinking and quantitative literacy.

    Semesters Offered: All levels offered fall and spring semesters

  • MUC 303 - Partial Junior Recital, .5 credit hour

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of department
    Preparation and performance of a half-length recital program at the junior level. Repertoire chosen to represent technical achievement and a variety of musical styles.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters.

  • MUC 305 - Pedagogy of Music, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 202F 
    An examination of how the human mind interacts with and learns about, in, and through music. Techniques for effective music instruction as well as specific instruction on the student’s primary instrument will be explored and practiced.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester.

  • MUC 306 - Chamber Music Literature, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211  and MUC 212 
    A study of the significant genres and stylistic trends in chamber music. The broad scope of chamber music literature will be examined through focus upon pivotal and archetypal masterworks, with an emphasis on understanding the historical and cultural context. Students will increase skills in analyzing as well as in writing and speaking about music.

    Semesters Offered: May not be offered every year.

  • MUC 307 - String Pedagogy, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 305 
    Pedagogical techniques for string instruments with emphasis on the principal performing area. A range of pedagogical approaches and teaching literature will be examined. Mentored teaching experiences will be arranged.

    Semesters Offered: May not be offered every year.

  • MUC 309 - Entrepreneurship and Advocacy, 1 credit hour

    Notes: Must have junior standing

    An examination of practical skills and knowledge required for a contemporary professional musician. Includes an introduction to relevant aspects of finance, marketing, contracting, and intellectual property. Additional topics include career exploration & development, audience building, and arts advocacy.

  • MUC 311 - Form and Analysis, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211  or consent of instructor
    Corequisite(s): MUC 321I .
    The study of motive, phrase, period, and standard musical forms employed in the Western musical tradition. Emphasis on the historical development of these forms.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters; should be taken concurrently with MUC 321I.

  • MUC 313 - Theory of Music Since 1900, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211 
    Corequisite(s): MUC 323I  and MUC 314 
    Study of the materials, techniques, theories, and styles of composers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters; should be taken concurrently with MUC 323I and MUC 314.

  • MUC 314 - Solfège 4, 2 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 211  and MUC 212 
    Corequisite(s): MUC 323I  and MUC 313 
    An exploration of the skills and techniques needed to sight sing and recognize common non-tonal and contemporary musical structures and advanced rhythmic techniques.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall and spring semesters; should be taken concurrently with MUC 323I and MUC 313.

  • MUC 315 - Electronic Music, 2 credit hours

    Survey of the evolution of electro-mechanical means of creating music with a focus on contemporary technology. Topics include hardware, software, MIDI, sequencing, sampling, and multimedia applications.

    Semesters Offered: Offered fall semester, odd years.

  • MUC 316 - Composition Lessons 3, 3 credit hours

    Prerequisite(s): MUC 217 ; Composition majors only or permission of instructor.
    Corequisite(s): MUC 215 
    Development of compositional skills through individualized study. Students focus on developing compositional craftsmanship, working with a variety of forms and contemporary techniques, and composing in a variety of styles for various performance media.


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