2025-2026 University Catalog 
    Mar 18, 2025  
2025-2026 University Catalog

Admission Information


Applying for Admission to Baldwin Wallace University

The Admission Committee carefully examines the academic achievement and aptitude of every candidate for admission to Baldwin Wallace. The goal of the Committee is to admit students who can best benefit from and contribute to the academic program and life of the University.

Every admission file is reviewed by admission counselors, who holistically review every facet of the student’s file, including the application, transcripts, recommendation letters, and student report form. While reviewing all of the documents, admission counselors look for consistency with personal identifiable information such as name, address, date of birth, transcript dates, etc. If inconsistencies are identified, the Director of Undergraduate Admission is notified and a deeper investigation is initiated and coordinated by the director in consultation with the Vice President for Student Experience and Enrollment Management. This investigation may include engagement with schools from whom the student has submitted transcripts and/or the potential for the director, vice president, or other authorized university personnel to request additional information as needed to confirm the validity of a student’s credentials.

High school seniors may begin applying to BW for the following fall term as of August 1, though the first notifications for admission are not typically sent until early October. Beginning in October, applicants are notified of admission decisions on a rolling basis within two to four weeks upon the completion of their application to BW. The priority application deadline is November 1 for students applying to liberal arts programs. Although students are encouraged to apply before May 1 so they are in a position to meet the priority student deposit deadline, applications will continue to be accepted on a space-available basis until the start of the fall semester. Students applying to the acting BFA  program and to other programs within the Conservatory of Performing Arts have different application and audition deadlines. 

Transfer and adult students should apply at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the entry term, though applications may be accepted on a space-available basis until the start of the entry term.

All applications and credentials submitted for admission consideration become the property of Baldwin Wallace University when they are submitted and will not be returned in original or copy form unless the student has matriculated at Baldwin Wallace University.

For more information on applying to BW, visit http://www.bw.edu/admission/apply/.

First-Time Undergraduate Students

Admission to the University is offered on a selective basis. To be considered for admission, candidates must submit an application at http://www.bw.edu/admission/apply/, official high school or GED transcripts, a personal essay, and a summary of school and community activities. A teacher recommendation is optional, as are ACT/SAT standardized test scores (though test scores are required for course placement). BW requires that applicants have earned either a diploma from an accredited high school or the GED Certificate prior to enrolling at the University. International students and students who have been homeschooled should consult the Office of Admission for additional requirements.

While not required, an admission interview, copy of a resume, ACT/SAT standardized test scores, written personal statement, and list of training workshops and seminars are examples of additional information that may be useful for the Admission Committee during the admission process.

Students must provide evidence of their preparation and fit for future success at Baldwin Wallace University consistent with code of conduct statements for the University, program, or profession. All aspects of a student’s application are considered and inform an admission decision.

The Admission Committee has determined that the following high school curriculum will best prepare most students for academic success at BW: four units in English; four units in mathematics, including Algebra 2; three units each of social science and natural science coursework; two units in foreign language; and at least three additional elective units from academic areas. Candidates considering majors in the sciences (including nursing and engineering) or mathematics are encouraged to include four units of science courses in their high school programs. Performance in math and science courses is especially important for nursing and engineering applicants with specific course recommendations outlined at https://www.bw.edu/undergraduate-admission/first-year/apply/

Successful candidates for admission have typically earned a minimum B average in their academic coursework, have met proficiency standards in end-of-course assessments (if completed), and have demonstrated involvement and leadership in school or community organizations.

The University recognizes that some students may be qualified to succeed in an undergraduate program without having followed the recommended high school curriculum. Therefore, applicants whose records indicate academic potential but who have followed an alternate program of study are encouraged to contact the Office of Admission for additional information at 440-826-2222 or admission@bw.edu.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs

Scores from these examinations will be considered for credit by the University. (See Undergraduate Academic Opportunities .) Further information about Advanced Placement credit can be found at https://www.bw.edu/one-stop/plan-degree/advanced-placement/. Information regarding International Baccalaureate credit is found at https://www.bw.edu/one-stop/plan-degree/international-baccalaureate-credits/.

Conservatory of Performing Arts Students

Admission to the Conservatory is highly selective and is based on the following factors: academic admissibility, audition on primary applied instrument and interviews for the music majors of composition, education, therapy and theory. Students must submit their application, music teacher evaluation, and music profile prior to the audition. Auditions are held in the Conservatory at regular intervals during the academic year. Auditions are filled on a first-come basis after the receipt of the application and audition fee. Audition spots may fill well in advance of the application deadline.

Detailed information concerning admission to specific majors and programs, repertoire requirements, or an appointment for an interview or audition may be obtained by contacting the Conservatory Admission Office by phone at 440-826-2368; by writing to the Conservatory of Performing Arts, Baldwin Wallace University, 275 Eastland Road, Berea, Ohio 44017-2088; by email at music@bw.edu or via the web at: http://www.bw.edu/undergraduate-admission/conservatory/

For policies related to the admission of Conservatory transfer students, see below.

Acting BFA Students

Admission to the acting BFA  program within the Conservatory is highly selective and is based on the following factors: academic admissibility and audition. Auditions are held at regular intervals during the academic year. Auditions are filled on a first-come basis after the receipt of the application and audition fee. Audition spots may fill well in advance of the application deadline.

Specific guidelines can be found at:


For policies related to the admission of transfer students to the acting BFA  program, see below.

Adult Students

Adult students applying for admission to Baldwin Wallace must submit an application for admission to http://www.bw.edu/admission/apply/, official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, and a letter of recommendation.

At BW, students meeting one or more of the following criteria may be considered an adult student:

  • Undergraduates age 24 years or older
  • Starting or returning to college more than four years after high school
  • Veteran, active military or reservist
  • Considered financially independent for purposes of determining financial aid
  • Fulfill multiple adult roles such as parent, spouse/partner, caregiver, employee and student

Students who have not completed 25 semester hours of successful college work or have been out of high school less than five years are required to submit an official high school or GED transcript. An on-campus interview with an admission counselor is recommended.

The Admission Committee recognizes that life and career responsibilities, military service and employment history can provide helpful insight into a student’s potential for a successful academic experience at the University. As such, each student’s previous life experience is considered during the review process. To talk with an admission counselor or learn more about adult programs, call 440-826-8012 or go to http://www.bw.edu/undergraduate-admission/adult/.

Post-Baccalaureate Students

A post-baccalaureate student is someone who has earned a bachelor’s degree and wishes to take supplemental undergraduate coursework at Baldwin Wallace University. Post-baccalaureate students may apply online at http://www.bw.edu/admission/apply/. Students seeking to earn a second bachelor’s degree, a teacher’s license, RN license (as a BSN graduate) or a certificate program completion must submit official college transcripts from each college or university attended.

BW graduates seeking a second degree from BW after an absence of more than three years will be subject to the institutional (core) and departmental curricular requirements in effect at the time of readmission. BW graduates seeking a second degree after an absence of three years or less will be subject to the institutional (core) requirements in effect when they earned their first degree and to the departmental curricular requirements in effect at the time of readmission. A year is defined as the completion of two consecutive semesters and one summer session.

Undergraduate Transfer Students

Admission to the University is offered on a selective basis. To be considered for admission, transfer candidates must submit an application for admission at http://www.bw.edu/admission/apply/, a high school or GED transcript (if out of high school less than five years or if less than 25 transferable college credits have been completed), a letter of recommendation, Office of Student Affairs/Judicial Affairs form (if attending a four-year residential college/university within the last academic year), and official transcripts or evidence of approved withdrawal from all previous colleges and universities attended. ACT or SAT scores are not required. All of the applicant’s credentials, including all previous coursework completed at other colleges or universities, are considered in the admission process. Failure to fully disclose all academic records to the Admission Committee at the time of application may be cause for cancellation of admission or dismissal from the University.

Successful candidates for admission typically submit credentials from colleges and universities accredited by a regionally accredited institution, have met the general admission requirements for first-time students and have earned a B average in their college or university coursework. Candidates should be in good academic, social and financial standing at their previous institutions. Students not in good standing at a previous institution may be considered for admission provided they have been out of school at least one full year prior to their proposed date of entrance.

Students must provide evidence of their preparation and fit for future success at Baldwin Wallace University consistent with code of conduct statements for the University, program, or profession. All aspects of a student’s application are considered and used as the primary means for informing an admission decision.

The University recognizes that several factors may influence a student’s decision to transfer to a new institution. Therefore, a candidate whose record indicates academic potential but who has not met the exact pattern listed above is encouraged to contact the Office of Admission for additional information.

Students with Military Experience
Baldwin Wallace University recognizes military experience as transferable University credit. During the admission process, veterans should submit the DD 214 Form and any military transcripts detailing their training and education in addition to any high school or college academic transcripts. The BW Office of Registration and Records will review these records for possible University credit. For more information, go to http://www.bw.edu/admission/veterans/.

Conservatory Transfer Students
Conservatory transfer students must submit the BW transfer application with all supporting materials; Conservatory supplement with music essay, music teacher evaluation, and audition fee; and participate in the audition process. The Conservatory reserves the right to assess all music transfer credits through placement examinations or course description, particularly in the areas of Music Theory, Music History & Literature, Piano, and Primary Applied Instrument. If a student has had courses in these areas but does not demonstrate the required proficiency, he/she may be required to retake courses as taught by Conservatory faculty. In such a case, the credits will transfer as music electives. Students currently enrolled as music majors at another institution must also submit the transfer release form, per NASM guidelines. http://www.bw.edu/undergraduate-admission/conservatory/

Acting BFA Transfer Students

Students wishing to transfer from another institution to enroll in the acting BFA  program within the BW Conservatory must submit the BW transfer application with all supporting materials as outlined on the transfer application webpage, in addition to submitting the audition fee and participating in the audition process. Currently enrolled BW students who wish to transfer into the acting BFA  program should contact the director of the acting BFA  program to learn more about whether there is space available and, if so, how to schedule an audition.

Transfer Credit

Courses which fall within the academic scope of the BW curriculum as determined by the faculty and in which a student has received a grade of “C” or better will be considered for transfer credit at BW. The University will transfer credit hours but will not transfer quality points or grades.

Baldwin Wallace will not accept transfer credits earned at an institution without regional accreditation or by examination. University credit may be granted for training programs offered by business and industry and previous military experience as recommended in the American Council on Education’s Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs. The training must fall within the academic scope of the Baldwin Wallace curriculum. Official transcripts from the American Council on Education are required before appropriate credit can be determined. The maximum credit accepted from a two-year college is 60 semester hours. More credit is accepted from a four-year college as long as 45 hours of the required 120 hours of coursework is met in residency at Baldwin Wallace. http://www.bw.edu/undergraduate-admission/transfer/

Associate to Bachelor’s Degree (A2BW) Program

Students who have earned an associate degree from any regionally accredited college or university may qualify for BW’s streamlined Associate to Bachelor’s program to complete their bachelor’s degree. Baldwin Wallace accepts 60 semester hours in transfer for approved associate degrees. For more information, visit http://www.bw.edu/a2bw.

Transfer Core

Transfer students with 25 credits or more in transfer, who haven’t earned an associate degree, will follow the Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36) to meet core requirements at Baldwin Wallace.

The Ohio Transfer 36 contains Core Ohio Transfer General Education Foundation courses (24 credits):

  • 3 cr. English Composition and Oral Communication
  • 3 cr. Mathematics, Statistics and Logic
  • 6 cr. Arts and Humanities (2 different disciplines)
  • 6 cr. Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 different disciplines)
  • 6 cr. Natural Sciences (at least 1 lab course)
  • Plus 12 credits of additional coursework from the disciplines listed above.
  • Note: the equivalent of ENG 111 cannot count toward the English Composition or Arts and Humanities areas.

The transfer core does not apply to freshmen. Incoming first-year freshmen, regardless of the number of transfer credits, follow the current BW core requirements. (Freshmen with a 2.75 GPA or higher completing an associate degree through CCP do receive the A2BW core waiver.)

Affiliated Partnerships with Ohio Community Colleges

Baldwin Wallace University has established special affiliations with Cuyahoga Community College, Columbus State Community College, Lakeland Community College, Lorain County Community College, and Stark State Community College. Applicants must meet all normal admission requirements and conditions of the University.

Dual Admission Program

The Dual Admission Program is a joint transfer program with Cuyahoga Community College that allows students to complete an associate degree at Cuyahoga Community College and also be granted admission to Baldwin Wallace University. Students may be admitted to the Dual Admission program directly out of high school depending on the strength of their academic program and performance. Students with less than 25 transferable college credits are encouraged to apply to the program. Once admitted into the Dual Admission program, students must complete a minimum of 25 transferable Tri-C credits, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and have completed required English and math courses to be guaranteed degree-seeking admission to BW.

For more detailed information on the Dual Admission Program, please contact the Admission Office or check http://www.bw.edu/undergraduate-admission/transfer/.

International Students

International applicants must submit an application at http://www.bw.edu/admission/apply/, certified English translations of all official academic records beyond the primary level, the results of the TOEFL, IELTS, SAT or ACT examination, teacher recommendation, a personal statement of educational goals and a statement of financial support. Courses taken at a postsecondary institution outside of the United States need to be evaluated by an agency certified through World Educational Services https://www.wes.org; any charges for the service must be paid by student to the agency. For additional information, please visit www.bw.edu/international or contact the Office of Admission.