Nov 05, 2024
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Course Descriptions
Religion |
• REL 259 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• REL 265 - Religion and Literature, 3 credit hours
• REL 266 - Religion & Film, 3 credit hours
• REL 290 - Departmental Colloquium, 1 credit hour
• REL 293(I,D) - Topics in Religion, 2-4 credit hours
• REL 359 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• REL 363(I) - Seminar in Religion, 3 or 4 credit hours
• REL 459 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• REL 463(I) - Seminar in Religion, 3 or 4 credit hours
• REL 491 - Departmental Thesis/project, 3-4 credit hours
Sociology |
• SOC 050(I) - Independent Study, 1-4 credit hours
• SOC 070 - Internship, Credit hours to be arranged
• SOC 100D - Principles of Sociology, 4 credit hours
• SOC 180I - Archeology and Human Evolution, 3 credit hours
• SOC 181I - Cultural Anthropology, 3 credit hours
• SOC 201D - Social Problems, 4 credit hours
• SOC 206 - Crime in Organizations, 3 credit hours
• SOC 210 - Work Matters: The Sociology of Work and Work Settings, 3 credit hours
• SOC 212 - Families, Couples and Singles, 3 credit hours
• SOC 223 - Juvenile Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System, 3 credit hours
• SOC 250(I) - Topics in Sociology, 3 credit hours
• SOC 259 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• SOC 260 - Death and Dying, 3 credit hours
• SOC 263(I) - Seminars in Sociology, 1-4 credit hours
• SOC 265 - Policing of Society, 3 credit hours
• SOC 270I - Terrorism: Roots and Responses, 3 credit hours
• SOC 280 - Research Methods, 4 credit hours
• SOC 281 - Data Analysis Using PASW, 4 credit hours
• SOC 288 - Environmental Sociology, 3 credit hours
• SOC 290D - Gender Roles, 3 credit hours
• SOC 301D - Social Inequalities, 3 credit hours
• SOC 302I - Racial and Cultural Minorities, 3 credit hours
• SOC 303IX - Urban Community Life, 4 credit hours
• SOC 310 - Work in America, 4 credit hours
• SOC 313 - Criminology, 3 credit hours
• SOC 315 - Sociological Theory, 3 credit hours
• SOC 317 - Sociology of Deviance, 3 credit hours
• SOC 320 - Victimology, 4 credit hours
• SOC 323 - Sociology of Law, 3 credit hours
• SOC 330D - Protests, Movements and Social Change, 3 credit hours
• SOC 344D - Aging and Society, 3 credit hours
• SOC 345 - Medical Sociology, 3 credit hours
• SOC 350 - Topics In Sociology, 3 credit hours
• SOC 350I - Modern China, 3 credit hours
• SOC 359 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• SOC 361 - Corrections, 3 credit hours
• SOC 365 - Perspectives on Violence, 3 credit hours
• SOC 386I - Global Perspectives, 4 credit hours
• SOC 400 - Applied Sociological Research, 3 credit hours
• SOC 450 - Sociology Proseminar, 3 credit hours
• SOC 459 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• SOC 463(I) - Seminars in Sociology, 1-4 credit hours
Spanish |
• SPN 050 - Independent Study, 1-4 credit hours
• SPN 070 - Internship, 1-12 credit hours
• SPN 101 - Elementary Spanish I, 4 credit hours
• SPN 102 - Elementary Spanish II, 4 credit hours
• SPN 110 - Elementary Spanish in Ecuador, 7 credit hours
• SPN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I, 4 credit hours
• SPN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II, 4 credit hours
• SPN 210 - Intermediate/advanced Spanish in Ecuador, 7 credit hours
• SPN 240I - Contemporary Spain and Latin America, 3 credit hours
• SPN 250I - Techniques of Spanish Translation, 3 credit hours
• SPN 260I - Commercial Spanish, 3 credit hours
• SPN 262(I) - Seminar Taught in English, 1-4 credit hours
• SPN 263I - Seminar, 3 credit hours
• SPN 270 - Spanish for Healthcare Providers, 3 credit hours
• SPN 301I - Advanced Spanish I, 2 credit hours
• SPN 302I - Advanced Spanish II, 4 credit hours
• SPN 303I - Introduction to Hispanic Literature, 4 credit hours
• SPN 310I - Spanish Culture and Civilization, 3 credit hours
• SPN 311I - Spanish-American Civilization, 3 credit hours
• SPN 350 - Special Methods Language Teaching, 3-4 credit hours
• SPN 375I - Survey of Spanish Literature, 3 credit hours
• SPN 376I - Survey of Spanish-American Literature, 3 credit hours
• SPN 463 - Seminar, 3 credit hours
Sustainability |
• SUS 070X - Sustainability Internship, 1-12 credit hours
• SUS 150I - Humans & The Earth: Can We Coexist?, 3 credit hours
• SUS 363 - Integrated Sustainability Topics, 3 credit hours
• SUS 400 - Sustainability Capstone, 3 credit hours
Theatre |
• THE 050(I) - Independent Study, Credit hours to be arranged
• THE 070 - Internship, Credit hours to be arranged
• THE 100 - Introduction To Theatre, 3 credit hours
• THE 135 - Singing for Actors, 2 credit hours
• THE 150 - Makeup for the Stage, 1 credit hour
• THE 151 - Introduction to Acting, 2 credit hours
• THE 154 - Creative Dramatics, 2 credit hours
• THE 160 - Acting I, 3 credit hours
• THE 161 - On-stage Experience, 1 credit hour
• THE 162 - Backstage Experience, 1-2 credit hours
• THE 169 - Acting on Camera, 3 credit hours
• THE 175 - Stagecraft for the Actor, 2 credit hours
• THE 180 - Stagecraft, 3 credit hours
• THE 190 - Script Analysis, 3 credit hours
• THE 220 - Rendering Techniques, 3 credit hours
• THE 240 - Vectorworks, 3 credit hours
• THE 250 - Audition Techniques, 2 credit hours
• THE 251 - Portfolio Presentation, 2 credit hours
• THE 259 - Faculty-student Collaboration, Credit hours to be arranged
• THE 260 - Acting II, 3 credit hours
• THE 261 - The Actor’s Voice, 3 credit hours
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