Dec 26, 2024
EDU 604 - The Internship for the Superintendency II, 1 credit hour Corequisite(s): EDU 601 The internship runs parallel to the coursework in EDU 601 . This course is aligned with the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) District Standards (3-4), Ohio’s Standards for Superintendents (2008) (4) and the administrative knowledge, dispositions, and performances needed in today’s diverse school district environments. Candidates work with a district-approved mentor and university supervisor to gain experience and develop plans related to: a focus on quality instruction; creation of a comprehensive assessment system; high-quality professional development; standards-based instruction; professional development; research-based/evidence-based practices. The candidates will be expected to log a minimum of 86 hours within the standard areas emphasized in EDU 601 . Special topic speakers and panels of practicing building/district leaders from the field are included as part of the periodic live virtual sessions.
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