2018-2019 University Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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HPE 230 - Physical Education Methods for Early Childhood and Elementary School, 3 credit hours

A study of the characteristics of children ages three through eight and prekindergarten through grade three with implications for the selection, adaptation and teaching of appropriate movement and rhythmic activities. The focus of the course is the understanding of such concepts as growth and development of a child, fundamental movement, movement exploration, perceptual motor skills, developmental movement, rhythmic development, and the integration of movement and rhythmics into other areas of the early childhood school curriculum.  Attention is paid to the use of appropriate learning, teaching, and communication strategies that meet the needs of diverse learners.  This is done through proper development of progressive lesson, behavior management, and assessment plans, and live teaching in area schools. The use of technology in Physical Education is introduced through compasses, pedometers, video, camera, and printer use, and modern video technology.

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