2018-2019 University Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2018-2019 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The mission statement of Baldwin Wallace University says that BW aims at students’ intellectual and spiritual growth, and that BW graduates should be compassionate, contributing global citizens. The Philosophy program at BW contributes to this goal by fostering critical thinking, intellectual inquisitiveness, sensitivity to ethical complexity, and systems-level independent thinking- all of which are necessary to become an engaged citizen and required in virtually any career.

Philosophy literally means “love of wisdom,” and the concerns of philosophy are inherently broad and interdisciplinary. They range from seeking to understand the methods and foundations of politics, the arts, sciences, and education, to searching for answers to questions about the definition of reality, knowledge, moral values, aesthetic experience, and the human self. Philosophy is therefore a good choice for a second major or minor to complement a variety of different majors. In addition, as a Core course, philosophy can teach analytic and problem-solving skills that help students to succeed at the University and in continuing adult life.

Philosophy is a worthwhile activity simply for the lifelong orientation that it can provide. But the Philosophy program also strives to impart higher-order thinking skills that are crucial for most professions. Philosophy students learn how to read analytically and decode complex arguments. They also learn to think critically, forming well-reasoned opinions and expressing their opinions clearly and persuasively in speech and writing. These skills are sought by employers in almost any profession.

Philosophy courses do not need to be taken in a rigid sequence. Any philosophy course should improve philosophical abilities. However, the courses are classified by the difficulty of the reading
involved and the amount of philosophical training and background required.

Philosophy courses at the 100 and 200-level may be used to meet part of the University’s Core requirements in Humanities: Cultural Heritage.