2017-2018 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Diversity Studies Minor
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15 hours will be selected from a menu of existing courses (Gender Studies and Diversity Studies lists below), and students will also take a 3 credit capstone seminar (DST 463 ) that will provide students with theoretical tools to integrate the knowledge from the various classes they have taken into a final research project.
Minimum credits required: 18
Required Course: 3 credits
Elective courses:
Choose 15 credits from the following course listing. Choose at least one course from the Gender Studies course list and one from the Diversity Studies course list. To foster an interdisciplinary perspective on diversity, no more than two courses from a single department and no more than two Gender Studies courses may count toward the minor. Gender Studies courses:
- CAS 328(D) - Studies in Communication, 3 credit hours (when taught as Gender Communications)
- ENG 336(I,D) - Studies in Specific Genres, Themes or Modes, 3 credit hours Early American Women’s Narratives
- HPE 263 - Special Topic Seminar, Credit hours to be arranged The History of Women in Sport
- Gender, Health, and Equity
- MUC 363 - Seminar, Variable credit Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship
- POL 208 - Special Legal Studies, 1-3 credit hours when offered as “Women & Law” or “Sex and the Law”
- POL 305D - Women, Politics, and the Media, 3 credit hours
- PHL 207(D) - Topics in Philosophy, 3-4 credit hours Feminist Philosophy
- PHL 271D - Philosophy of Sexuality, 3-4 credit hours
- PSY 215D - Psychology of Women, 4 credit hours
- REL 293(I,D) - Topics in Religion, 2-4 credit hours Race, Religion & Gender in Movies
- REL 393 - Religion, the Body, and Gender, 4 credit hours
- SOC 290D - Gender Roles, 3 credit hours
- Seminar and Topics courses as deemed appropriate
Diversity Studies courses:
- BUS 409D - Behavioral Theories of Management, 3 credit hours
- CAS 277D - Media and Diversity, 3 credit hours
- CAS 285D - Introduction to Intercultural Communication, 3 credit hours
- CAS 328(D) - Studies in Communication, 3 credit hours (when taught as Diversity in America)
- ECN 341 - US Economic History, 3 credit hours
- ECN 356D - Urban & Regional Economics, 3 credit hours
- HIS 170D - Diversity in America, 3 credit hours
- HIS 260(I,D) - Topics in History, 3-4 credit hours (when taught as African-American History)
- MUL 224D - History of Jazz, 2 credit hours
- POL 202 - Major Policy Issues, 1-3 credit hours
- POL 263(I, D) - Seminar in Political Science, 1-3 credit hours (when topic is Civil Rights)
- POL 304D - Urban Policy and Politics, 3 credit hours
- POL 333D - Contemporary Political Voices at the Margins, 3 credit hours
- PSY 145D - Multicultural Psychology, 3-4 credit hours
- REL 108I - Islam, 2 credit hours
- REL 110 - Judaism, 3 credit hours
- REL 115D - African-American Religious Experience, 3 credit hours
- REL 193(I,D) - Topics in Religion, 2-4 credit hours (when taught as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or King and American Racism)
- REL 218D - American Religious Pluralism, 4 credit hours
- REL 293(I,D) - Topics in Religion, 2-4 credit hours (when taught as History of Gospel Music)
- SOC 201D - Social Problems, 4 credit hours
- SOC 301D - Social Inequalities, 3 credit hours
- SOC 302I - Racial and Cultural Minorities, 3 credit hours
- SOC 330D - Protests, Movements and Social Change, 3 credit hours
- Seminars and Topics courses as deemed appropriate.
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