2020-2021 University Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2020-2021 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Status Policies

Criteria Related to Status

Undergraduate Full-time statusStudents who have met the entrance requirements and are enrolled in a program of 12 to 18 credit hours per semester. The average class load is 15 or 16 hours. The maximum load is 18. Students are not permitted to take more than 18 credit hours unless they have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 and written permission of their Faculty Advisor and the Registrar. A class load below 12 credit hours carries the status of part-time student.

Sophomore, Junior, Senior status—To be ranked a sophomore, a student must have earned at least 25 credits; a junior must have earned at least 57 credits; and a senior must have earned at least 91 credits.

Academic Standing

The criteria to measure academic performance is the semester and the cumulative grade point averages (GPA), computed on the basis of that portion of the student’s coursework which is graded on a letter-grade basis.

There are four categories of academic performance recognized by the University:

Good Standing — Students who are making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their degree requirements and whose semester and cumulative GPA meet the University’s minimum levels of acceptable performance (see below). A minimum 2.000 GPA is required for graduation.

Academic Alert  — Full-time students whose cumulative GPA has fallen below the minimum levels of acceptable performance for the first time (see table below), or new full-time students who earn a first semester GPA between 1.201 - 1.699.

Academic Probation — Full-time students whose cumulative GPA has fallen below the minimum levels of acceptable performance for a second time (see table below), or new full-time students who earn a first semester GPA between 0.500 - 1.200.

Academic Suspension — Students that fail to meet the conditions of their Academic Contract, or full-time students earning a semester GPA of 0.499 or below will be placed on Academic Suspension. Students suspended will have their permission to register revoked. Once suspended, individuals must remain on suspension for a minimum of one academic semester (Fall or Spring) before applying to be reinstated. Students who are placed on Academic Suspension at the end of the Spring semester may not take summer classes. (see Reinstatement  below).

With respect to these criteria, there are a series of plateaus to allow time for adjustment to the expectations of the University. The minimum levels of acceptable performance are:

Hours Attempted or Earned
(whichever is greater) 

Minimum Cumulative      
GPA Required         

1-11 –      
12-24 1.700     
25-40 1.800     
41-56 1.900     
57+ 2.000     


Academic Alert Status

Students on Academic Alert are subject to the following restrictions:

  1. They must register for COL 122  and complete an Academic Self-Assessment by the first week of the semester.
  2. They must meet with an assigned mentor and develop an Academic Contract by the fourth week of the semester.
  3. They may not hold any office or leadership role in any student or University organization or activity.
  4. They may not participate in April Reign activities.
  5. They may not pledge, nor be initiated into, a national social fraternity or sorority.
  6. They may not represent the University in any on- or off-campus event.
  7. They are ineligible to represent the University in intercollegiate athletic competition.
  8. Other restrictions may be established for individual situations.

Academic Probation Status

Students on Academic Probation are subject to the following restrictions:

  1. They must register for COL 121  and complete an Academic Self-Assessment by the first week of the semester. Failure to do so will result in immediate Academic Suspension.
  2. They must meet with an assigned mentor and develop an Academic Contract by the fourth week of the semester. Failure to do so will result in immediate Academic Suspension.
  3. They may not hold any office or leadership role in any student or University organization or activity.
  4. They may not participate in April Reign activities.
  5. They may not pledge, nor be initiated into, a national social fraternity or sorority.
  6. They may not represent the University in any on- or off-campus event.
  7. They are ineligible to represent the University in intercollegiate athletic competition.
  8. Other restrictions may be established for individual situations.

Procedure for Changing Categories

The general procedure to be followed in changing a student’s academic standing will be:

  1. At the end of each academic semester, the Registrar will ascertain the GPA for each student. An “I” grade will be referred to the Academic Appeals Board for a ruling on academic standing.
  2. Each student will be placed in one of the four categories of academic standing described above. Academic standing will be determined on the basis of the total number of academic hours attempted or earned, whichever is greater as of the end of the most recent semester. Students transferring to Baldwin Wallace will be required to achieve at the academic level corresponding to the number of hours transferred plus the number of hours attempted at Baldwin Wallace since transferring.
  3. A student who fails to meet the minimum level of performance for the criteria listed above will be placed on Academic Alert or Academic Probation and will be subject to the restrictions described above. A student will be removed from Academic Alert or Academic Probation when their cumulative GPA meets the required minimal levels and they have met the conditions of their Academic Contract.
  4. A student placed on Academic Probation for a second time will be placed on Academic Suspension. A student who has been placed on Academic Probation and has shown significant improvement but whose cumulative GPA does not meet the minimum requirement may be Permitted to Continue on Probation at the discretion of the Academic Appeals Board.
  5. Students who are placed on Academic Suspension at the end of the spring semester may not take summer classes and must remain on suspension for a minimum of one academic term (Fall or Spring) before applying for reinstatement.
  6. A full-time student who, in any semester, receives a semester GPA of less than 0.500 will be placed on Academic Suspension. A full-time student who drops a course, is graded on 7-11 remaining hours, and earns a GPA below 0.500 will be placed on Academic Suspension. If a full-time student receives an “I” grade in one or more courses, but the graded courses result in a GPA below 0.500 the case will be referred to the Academic Appeals Board for evaluation. This evaluation will be based on such considerations as the student’s previous record, the reason for the “I” grade(s), and the quality of the work prior to the “I” being given.
  7. Students enrolled for fewer than 12 hours during any semester will be considered part-time students. They will be evaluated whenever they have attempted or earned enough hours to take them to the next acceptable performance plateau or at the end of every 15-hour block of hours attempted after they have attempted more than 57 credit hours.


When a student has been placed on Academic Suspension, the only way that the student may return is to petition for Reinstatement after stopping-out for at least one semester. The student must present a typed application for reinstatement to the Academic Appeals Board by the deadline for the desired semester of return (for Fall Semester, June 15; for Spring Semester, November 15). Applications for reinstatement can be obtained via the Academic Affairs link on the MyBW portal https://my.bw.edu/Academics/Academic-Affairs/Pages/default.aspx. The Academic Appeals Board will review each petition, any supporting evidence,and will interview the applicant before deciding whether or not the students will be reinstated and, if so, the conditions under which reinstatement may occur. The decision of the Academic Appeals Board is final, although students may reapply in subsequent semesters. Unless permission has been obtained from the Academic Affairs Office, any coursework completed at another college while a student was suspended from Baldwin Wallace will not transfer back to BW unless approved by the Academic Appeals Board or the Associate Provost.

Attendance Policy

All faculty must have a clearly stated attendance policy in their course syllabus.

In the absence of an attendance policy in a course syllabus, the default University attendance policy (below) will be followed.

  1. The policy of the University is that all students are expected to attend all classes. It is realized, of course, that not all students will, or can, attend all classes due to intercollegiate athletic events, university-sanctioned co-curricular activities, course field trips, religious holidays, family emergencies, and personal illness. As a result, students will be allowed to miss a maximum of 10% of the class meeting time without grade penalty. The student is responsible for all course material and graded work due to absences. It is up to the discretion of the professor to decide if, when, where, and how the missed work is completed.
  2. Since cumulative absences compromise students’ fulfillment of course requirements, the final grade will be lowered incrementally for each absence after the students have missed 10% of their class meeting time, regardless of the reason. Students who miss 20% of their class meeting time will earn an F in the course.

Any student who wishes to be excused for reasons of “serious illness” must present some appropriate form of verification (e.g., a medical excuse) to the Student Affairs Office. In the absence of such documentation, the decision of whether or not to excuse is left to the professor’s discretion. Any student who wishes to be excused for sports-related, performance-related events or academic field trips must present the professor with advance notification (e.g., a letter signed by a coach or other faculty member) at the beginning of the term for scheduled events, and as far in advance as possible for events scheduled while the term is in progress.

Regardless of reasons for the absence, the student is responsible for contacting the professor at the beginning of the term for scheduled events, and as far in advance as possible for events scheduled while the term is in progress. The student is responsible for any work he/she may have missed due to absence, excused or unexcused. It is up to the discretion of the professor to decide when, where, and how the missed work is completed.

Financial Obligations and Refunds

The payment due dates for all University charges and fees can be found from this link. For each billing cycle, your account statements will be assessed a finance charge on any unpaid balance until the account is paid in full. If full payment cannot be made by the first due date, the student should make alternate arrangements through the Bursar’s Office.

For your convenience BW has an online Payment Portal that is available 24/7. Payment can be remitted with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or electronic check. Credit card payments are subject to a 2.85% convenience fee while there is no fee for making a check payment online.

If you would like to spread out your payments for the current semester, you may enroll in the five-month payment plan through the Payment Portal. A small processing fee applies but there are no finance charges on the BW Payment Plan.

Students with a past due balance will not be allowed to register for the next semester unless full payment of the account has been received prior to the student registration appointment time. Students who are delinquent in meeting their financial obligations to the University are subject to additional restrictions. Certificates of credit (transcripts) or letters of honorable dismissal will not be issued. Diplomas will not be awarded. Students should contact the Bursar to make arrangements to resolve their past due account status.

University refundable tuition is based on the published refund schedule.

Certification of Enrollment/Non-Assessment of Late Fees for Chapter 31 or 33 Educational Benefits

Baldwin Wallace University permits any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the certifying official a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

1.  The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution.

2.  90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE

Baldwin Wallace University will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs under chapter 31 or 33.

For more information about financial obligations and refunds, go to https://www.bw.edu/tuition/billing-refund-policy/, and for payment  http://www.bw.edu/tuition/payments/

Policy on Academic Honesty

Baldwin Wallace is committed to the growth and learning of its students and believes strongly that such growth and learning prospers best within a community of trust. We believe that academic honesty, the fair and straightforward representation of what one has learned, researched and/or written, is the foundation of a healthy environment for learning. Instructors, administrators, staff, and students alike are responsible for upholding high ethical standards of academic honesty in all academic endeavors, and the academic community of Baldwin Wallace supports the policy that any form of academic dishonesty is a serious breach of ethics and shall be dealt with appropriately. http://www.bw.edu/about/offices/academic-affairs/